MCU Guatemala
A Couple of Christians Foundation ~ Misioneros Cristianos Unidos
Sharing Jesus' Love and Hope in Guatemala for
since 2014

dry feet save lives
During the rainy season, our kids aren't just forced to walk through some high water. They walk through sludge, wastes, chemicals, and who-knows-what.
Without waterproof shoes, infections of the feet and general colds and coughs are common.
That is why we've handed out almost 2,000 pairs of Guatemalan-made rain boots and waterproof shoes since 2017. Look for announcements of the next
"Boot Out Infections" project.
but kids love sneakers!
Since we started "Boot Out Infections," the roads in Santa Fe, Cocales, and La Cuchilla have been repaved with improved drainage. This lessens the urgency of rainboots and waterproof shoes.
In 2019, we took advantage of a great sneaker deal, distributing over 500 pairs to our children, their siblings, and others. The response was so phenomenal, we started rotating boots and sneakers each year.
As it turns out, the protection of new sneakers is just as worth it.